Meet the Shades



What’s going on doozers!

I’ve been playing Minecraft since 2017. I started on the console then found java and my heart was complete! I am a father of 3 and married to a wonderful woman from the Pennsylvania coal fields. I love the technical redstone Minecraft has and, while I’m not great at it, the building of large mega bases. By the way, pineapple belongs on pizza…fight me.



Sit back, buckle up, let’s get building!

Hi, I am Whitetop8282. I am a wife, a mother of 5, and I love to play Minecraft. I starting playing in 2017 and I have not stopped. My favorite things about Minecraft is making things look beautiful and being creative. I am not a red stoner but I am slowly learning a few things about it. I love to build and help out everyone on our server of Shadowtopia.









Hello My Wicked Warriors!

My name is Mr.Wicked and have been playing on the server for 3 seasons now. I have both a let’s play series going as well as my role in the Shadowtopia server. I’m not the best redstoner, but this snorlax always has the munchies for snackies so watch out. But all seriousness, the Shadowtopia server has been the best thing to happen to me. I have made some amazing life long friends, and new ones are popping up everyday. This server is my family. My home. And they have THE BEST pathways to sleep on!! Sorry snorlax humor..So Please if you enjoy make sure to check out the rest of these amazing people around me!! Ps…Hawaiian pizza for the win….









MomMomS here. I have the crazy honor of being Diamond Doozers real life Mom. Yeah, that crazy guy is my fault. I started playing Minecraft to check it out before allowing my youngster play. I got addicted to it. I started out playing modded on my other sons server but the little kids drove me nuts( love em but…). Then Doozer invited me to join Shadowtopia in Season 1. I do a little redstone, can make a few simple farms. I ams till trying to figure out how to record and edit the videos. My current role in Shadow is whatever I can do to help the other players. They are like a second family.



Hello(å) I’m JTMinCo, JT for short. I hail from the great north from the country of blue and yellow. A long with my soulmate Mecomi I search far and wide and finally found my home here on the Shadowtopia server. Where I’m best-known as the friendly wizard. I was in Minecraft before beds, and I’m foremost a builder of small and big (not to much with the dust of red yet)



Come and join me, Mecomi for a fika! Every day is an adventure, where ever I go, whether I´m exploring or building. Planes, flowers, BEDS and something sweet. I am a silly spoon in a cup of tea. You will have to SUBSCRIBE and see



What’s goin on, Blabster here. I reside in the southeast portion of the US where it’s always sunny(or storming) and in my free time I like to hang with Mickey. I’ve been playing Minecraft since the days of beta. I’m great with redstone especially at making traps and stupid gadgets. I’m also not bad at making farms. I’m not so great at making stuff look good however.






Striker Productions

Hello Brothers and Others

Hi I’m Striker from Shadowtopia, I’ve been on the block game since 2011 in the Xbox 360 days, I prioritise gaming content doing a majority of let’s plays but also working on some long form stuff, I enjoy playing Terraria most but do a bit of Minecraft even owning a public Minecraft Bedrock Realm called the Commune.

I stream 5 days a week and occasionally 6 if I have time With Terraria every Sunday and Shadowtopia on Tuesdays, and a variety of others on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I stream on Youtube Sundays and Tuesdays and on twitch on the other days

Go check out my things (Socials) and maybe hop in a stream and get to know me



Bon Jour~!

I am La Fin, a Half Enderman Minecrafter who wants to show you my worlds and the creations within it. I welcome you to watch me explore, build, and hopefully survive in this fun cubic world! I do dabble in Redstone machines, Animation, and even play on servers!
Writing is my strong point, and it annoys me how quickly physical copies of ‘Minecraft Guides’ can get outdated and leave out so many interesting information! So I’m writing my own ‘Minecraft Guide’, that I want to share with anyone who interested. I will try to keep it as up to date as possible.

click here to see my Guide to all things Minecraft